La Venga cigars are handmade in Danli, Honduras. More than just handmade, these cigars are locally sourced, with the tobacco grown in the Jamastran Valley, an area of Honduras rich in tobacco history.
Produced by Arango, the cigars you get under the La Venga brand have been produced to meet the very high Arango standards.
These economically priced cigars are perfect as humidor stuffers, samplers, or gifts for someone trying out Maduros. Hand rolled with Nicaraguan and Honduras filler, a Nicaraguan binder, and finished off with a delicious Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper; La Venga offers a mid-strength smoke that's priced to be in your daily rotation.
Although Honduran in make, they follow the traditions and practices that were perfected in Cuba before the 1959 revolution that displaced many Cuban cigar experts. This combination of Cuban and Honduran traditions gives these cigars a fine quality, something you will certainly appreciate and enjoy.
We offer you four different La Venga cigars, with multiple quantities available for purchase. You can select between one, six, or a box of twenty cigars.
Buying just one is a great idea if you are looking to try out something new. If you like it, excellent, you can pick up more. If not, you only got the one and didn't have any extra taking up space. The six cigar option will be perfect for gifting them to friends for special events. Hand them out as a thank you or to help your friends celebrate some holiday or occasion. Finally, the box of twenty is ideal for those of you that love the cigar. You will have plenty at hand, held in your humidor until you are ready for them. Select your preferred quantity and pick them up today!