The history of El Rey del Mundo Cigars is a familiar one in the cigar world. Born in 19th century Cuba, rising to storied acclaim, and split by the Cuban Revolution—the original operation being seized in the nationalization of industry and a new operation surfacing to carry a legacy onward in Honduras.
The brand is thought to have been created by Emilio Ohmstedt, a German businessman, in 1848, but was being run by Antonio Allones by the late 19th century. The name El Rey del Mundo (translating to King of the World) proved to be prophetic under Allones’s leadership, as the brand reached global prominence.
The early 20th century saw the brand change hands once more as Allones’s company was acquired by Diaz Hermanos y Cia. However, in a move that speaks to the brand’s notoriety, the company adopted the name Rey del Mundo cigar co. to more closely associate themselves with the famed brand they now possessed.
Once the most expensive premium cigar on the market, the Honduran handcrafted El Rey del Mundos of today hold true to their passion for quality, expertly balanced cigars, but offer a softer kick to your wallet and a harder one to your palate.
With flavorful medium to full-bodied blends of premium tobacco, El Rey del Mundos are great cigars for the seasoned cigar smoker seeking ease without compromising intrigue, or the casual smoker looking for a curious kick that will guide the palate, in luxury, into the bold, savory world of spice that full body cigars offer.
The El Rey del Mundo Robusto is a favorite for seasoned cigar smokers. Made in the Honduras HATSA factory, this cigar features Honduran filler and binder perfectly paired with a Connecticut Broadleaf wrap to deliver bold peppery notes with citrusy sweetness in perfect harmony. It’s no surprise this cigar was given a 91 rating from cigar aficionado.
Get yourself a box today and experience the royal treatment of El Rey del Mundo Cigars.