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“In their single-minded pursuit to create only the very best cigars, Davidoff believes in the importance of time. Taking precious time to craft an exceptional cigar, and equally taking the time to enjoy that cigar, lies at the very heart of Davidoff’s philosophy.”


In 1906, Zino Davidoff was born in Novhorod-Sivers’kyi, a city under the Russian Empire in modern Ukraine. Davidoff was close with the tobacco trade from an early age. In Kiev, his father ran a tobacco business until 1911 when the family, fleeing the violent pogroms and antisemitic persecution under Czarist Russia, moved to Geneva. Here they started a modest tobacco shop. Taken with the business, Davidoff set himself to submerge deeper and learn the industry thoroughly. So, in 1924, he left to travel to Argentina, Brazil, and Cuba where for two years he would learn the cigar trade. When he returned to Switzerland in 1930, he took over the shop. His tobacco expertise brought renown within the industry, became known for his invention of a desktop humidifier. 

 Davidoff Cigars

During WWII, the business grew. Davidoff's shop became popular for their importing of Havana Cigars. Building a solid relationship with the industry in Cuba, Davidoff was allowed access to a grand warehouse in Paris owned by the Cubans. With global trade so restrained, Davidoff was the only supplier of Havana cigars until the German Army took Paris in 1940. 


Then in 1946, Davidoff began producing his own premium cigars, launching the Château series. 


Davidoff garnered a reputation in the industry that led to a proposal by Cubatabaco, the state-run Cuban cigar monopoly, to create the eponymous Davidoff Cigar line. Made in the Havana El Laguito factory, (which was opened to roll Castro’s personal Cohíba cigars) Davidoff Cigars found quick success.  


He would continue to produce his cigars in Cuba until 1989 when manufacturing was moved to the Dominican Republic. 


To this day, Davidoff Cigars continue to be cherished around the world. The 2007 Winston Churchill brand which features a blend of diverse tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Peru, Nicaragua, and Ecuador is a favorite with its sweet and rich coffee flavor, earning it a spot in Cigar Aficionado's top 25. 


Master blender Eladio Diaz is a luminary in the field and takes pride in the craftsmanship of his work. “In order to provide unmatched taste experiences,” Diaz says, “we at Davidoff have evolved the blending of tobacco into what it is today: an art."


Choose from any of the cigars in our store and treat yourself to a sensational smoking experience. Also, check out our best budget premium cigar list to find some great cigars. 

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