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The original Cohiba cigars were made in Cuba. After the revolution in 1959, these Cohibas became a favorite of Fidel Castro, and the only way to get these cigars was to have them gifted to you from the Cuban Dictator himself. They were not available for sale anywhere.
In response to that, the General Cigar Company applied for and received a trademark for the Cohiba name in 1981. They then began producing their version of Cohiba cigars outside of Cuba, growing and harvesting the tobacco in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
In the now forty years since the General Cigar Company's Cohiba cigars have been produced, they have become highly regarded for their excellent quality. Cigar Aficionado, the leading cigar reviewer in the world, has rated the Cohiba cigars. Each cigar has scored at least in the upper 80s out of their 100 point score. This earns every single Cohiba cigar a label of excellent or better, with a few earning the prized "classic" title.
Handcrafted, these cigars undergo a thorough examination in order to make sure that every time you light up a Cohiba cigar, you get an experience that is consistent and great. Cohiba cigars have a legacy of quality, one that has been carefully cultivated from the very start of the brand. To enjoy a Cohiba cigar is to enjoy the finer things and at an affordable price.
We offer you sixteen different Cohiba cigars that each provide an excellent experience. Choose how many of each cigar you would like, from single pieces you want to enjoy on special occasions, a couple that you can gift to friends and family, or a box that you can hold on to, storing them in a humidor until the time comes. However you want to enjoy a Cohiba Cigar, know that you are getting a quality cigar from a quality company. Cohiba makes great cigars and here are some others that are pretty good cigars if you're a beginner or looking for a best budget cigar.
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