Founded in 1968, CAO operates a factory in Nicaragua. The company initially manufactured cigars before branching out and providing pipe tobacco based on some of their more popular cigar flavors.
This pipe tobacco is made in Denmark by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group, so you know the high-quality tobacco will be there. We offer four different blends, along with samplers of both the pipe tobacco and cigars.
Probably the most popular cigar in CAO's Flavors line-up, Moontrance has been adjusted into a well respected pipe tobacco. A combination of Virginia and Black Cavendish gets us notes of both exotic fruit, bourbon, and vanilla. Moontrance has become a favorite of aromatics fans, and we expect it can be yours too.
Eileen's Dream is a combination of Virginia and Black Cavendish that has been infused with a frothed cream. That cream contains Irish whiskey and coconut milk before being combined with slight amounts of hazelnut paste, ground almonds, cocoa, and vanilla extracts. This whole process gives the tobacco an Irish cream flavor, with notes of white chocolate truffles. This is an excellent tobacco for someone with a sweet tooth.
Bella Vanilla gives you the pure vanilla taste that its name projects. It is a combination of Virginia and rich Black Cavendish that provides you with a smooth, creamy sweet flavor. Yet again, you can sit back and relax with a great pipe tobacco.
Cherrybomb is as explosive a tobacco as its namesake. Bringing a mixture of flue cured Virginias and steamed Black Cavendish together, you will get notes of cherry and vanilla that works wonders. This extraordinary combination of flavor and aroma will bring to mind having some excellent vanilla ice cream, complete with a cherry or two on top.
No matter what flavor you get, a CAO pipe tobacco will be a tobacco you can easily enjoy.