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CAO Cigars pride themselves on being a brand that listens to their customers. 

 CAO Cigars

CAO Cigars was named for its founder, Cano Aret Ozgener. Cano started in the world of tobacco when he made and sold tobacco pipes during the 1980s. Later on, he would focus on creating flavorful and high quality cigars, which became a worldwide phenomenon during the Cigar Boom of the early 1990s.


A highly popular and influential cigar company, CAO would be acquired by the General Cigar Company in 2007, which is the cigar arm of the Scandinavian Tobacco Group. Thanks to that acquisition, CAO was able to create pipe tobacco versions of their cigars.


One of the unique things about CAO is their statement about how the customer drives the production. Obviously, more is made when they have more customers, but that is not what the company means here. What this really means is that the customer drives which cigars are made. They host events such as the Last Stick Standing competition. 


Along with that, head blender Rick Rodriguez and his team enjoy the freedom to experiment and discover new and exciting combinations to create cigars that will capture the imagination of smokers and leave them seeking more. Having that free reign is a sign of trust from the head of companies, something you do not get unless you have a proven history of creating excellent cigars that people enjoy.


We offer many different cigars for you to try out from CAO. Each one has a distinct flavor profile, and they all have undergone the rigorous practices that allow them to set the standards of what a cigar should be. 


Always innovating and experimenting, CAO Cigars will aim to create the best possible cigar smoking experience for you, whether it is through a traditional cigar or something new and exciting. Here are some other great cigars for beginners too.