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Introducing the Concierge Retail Experience!

Introducing the Concierge Retail Experience!

21st Feb 2024

It brings us great joy to announce a new service here at And when I say “at,” I really mean right here within our walls (conveniently we share those walls with the Sutliff Tobacco Company). 

We are launching our Concierge Retail Experience (CRE) to offer lovers of premium tobacco the opportunity to visit us here in Richmond, Virginia and shop from our diverse selection of tobaccos, pipes, cigars, and accessories in a unique, brick-and-mortar experience curated to each individual.

You’ll have access to thousands of pipes, over one thousand tobaccos, and an expansive humidor full of premium cigars, blending the traditional brick-and-mortar experience with the exceptional variety and pricing found online.

There is much to appreciate about the advantages of online shopping, but we know the value of having that pipe in front of you, in your hands. Of inspecting that cigar wrapper, trying one before committing to a box. The old-world tobacconist experience is one defined by its personal touch. Our CRE is designed to open our large inventory to the advantages and charms of that experience.

How it works

Let’s start with the obvious—this service is only for those who are of the legal age to purchase tobacco. No one under 21 will be allowed in the building. To be thorough, we will ID everyone.

First you will sign up on our Onsite Concierge Service page. You will be prompted to choose a date and time slot. Each time slot is a 1 hour window during which we see no customer but you—our only commitment for that time is to you and the quality of your experience. 

Once you have signed up, you can fill out our questionnaire to let us know what items you're interested in seeing. You can also give us an idea of what you're interested in more generally so we can better curate the experience to you. 

The items you specify, and perhaps some others selected with consideration to your questionnaire, will be pulled for you to see on arrival. We will also be able to pull anything on our site during your visit, but since this experience is designed to meet your specific needs, the more information you provide us with prior to your visit, the better we can personalize and optimize the experience to make the most of your time. And if there is anything not covered in the questionnaire you think we should know, please email us!

When you arrive, a representative will be there to offer refreshments and guide you through the CRE. Feel free to light up a pipe or cigar during your visit! A vast selection of Sutliff tobaccos will be made available to you with no charge, or we can have some specified tobaccos/cigars already pulled from our stock at the listed price on the site. For cigar lovers, you will have immediate access to our Arturo Fuente Vault, where you can choose from a selection of premium cigars at listed price, or sample at no cost from a variety of boutique cigar labels.

Finally, you can request a tour of the Sutliff factory (this takes about one hour) that will not be factored into your allotted CRE hour. We can’t promise that we can fulfill this request for every session, but will do our best!

For any clarifications or questions not covered here, please email us at and we hope very much to see you soon!