What Makes Cohiba Black a Top-Rated Cigar?
Posted by Jack Rather on 29th Dec 2020
Cigars come in a vast array of flavors, shapes, sizes, and strengths—from milder smokes ideal for beginners all the way up to robust, hearty smokes for the discerning cigar aficionado. But among all the fine cigars on the market, there are a few that stand out even among their venerable company.
The Cohiba Black is one such smoke.
Even among other top rated cigars, it enjoys a special reputation. But what sets the Cohiba Black apart? To find out, let's take a walk on the dark side of Cohiba cigars.
The Cohiba Legacy
First, we should clear up a common misconception.
To the layperson, Cohiba is sometimes thought to be synonymous with genuine Cuban cigars. And it's not a misconception that comes from nowhere, so let's have a quick history lesson.
The Cuban Cohiba
The brand is indeed Cuban in origin. It was established in 1966 as a limited production private brand.
As the story goes, one of Castro's bodyguards shared a few of his personal cigars, which had been blended and hand-made by a local artisan. Castro enjoyed them so much that he put in an order for a special production.
Its purpose was to exclusively provide cigars to Fidel Castro himself, as well as other high-ranking members of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban government.
As the official cigar of the Cuban government, Cuban Cohibas would often be given away as diplomatic gifts, which is how they started to develop notoriety abroad.
Their cult status was such that in 1982 Cuban Cohibas went commercial, with their Cohiba Siglo VI garnering some of the best blind reviews from critics.
The Cohiba We Know and Love
Even before they went commercial, it was easy to see the value of the Cohiba label's notoriety. But with the U.S. trade embargo in place, legally importing Cuban Cohibas was and remains impossible.
Enter the General Cigar Company. They registered the Cohiba trademark for themselves in 1978 and brought their first cigars using that branding to market in the 1980s. This has been a point of litigation between them and the Cuban government and remains a sticky legal situation to this day.
Perhaps aware of the possibility of being seen as "imitation Cohibas," General Cigar realized that they had to bring their A-game to stand up to their more-established Cuban counterparts.
And to their credit, they very much pride themselves on their commitment to craftsmanship to this day. And that commitment has paid dividends, with their trademark "red dot" branding becoming iconic in its own right.
Today, the Red Dot Cohiba is recognized as one of the world's premier brands, arguably outpacing the original cigar with which it shares a name. And the Cohiba Black is among the most-loved in that esteemed company.
The Cohiba Black Experience
So as we established in our history lesson, the Cohiba Black is not a Cuban cigar. It is instead a Dominican product and you can purchase as many of them as you like right here in the United States.
Introduced back in 2006, the Cohiba Black proved to be a cigar with staying power. Its jet-black Connecticut wrapper is instantly recognizable, and its full flavor won it many high-profile proponents.
It's the product of one Daniel Nunez, the same gentleman who brought the well-loved Partagas Black to market. And his efforts with the Cohiba Black are at least equally excellent.
The Pre-Smoke
If the presentation is as much a part of the experience as the smoke itself, then the Cohiba Black already excels well before you take your first draw. At a glance, the wrapper appears black as a starless night. And while you might assume it's merely a dyed leaf wrapper, a closer inspection will reveal a patchwork of darker browns and blacks.
The stick is firm and well-packed, and the overall product has an earthy aroma with a faint hint of spicy mint.
The Light
By and large, the less you have to say about a cigar's burn, the better it tends to be. So happily, there isn't much to report in that respect.
The burn lines are almost perfectly straight, with solid, white ash that contrasts beautifully against the wrapper.
The Flavor
A full-bodied smoke, the Cohiba Black is noted for its bold, rich flavor profile. And we're pleased to report that it lives up to its reputation.
Fitting its appearance, the dominant presence is a deep, chocolaty flavor with undercurrents of coffee. The first third compliments this with a nutty flavor and the occasional sweet note.
Around the second third, the flavor actually deepens, with the coffee notes taking on more of an espresso-like quality. And by the end, the chocolate has turned into a rich mocha flavor with hints of coconut.
All told, the Cohiba Black tastes every bit as sumptuous as it looks. Consider pairing it with a late-morning espresso or taking it as an end-of-the-night delicacy.
Enjoying One of the World's Most Coveted Cigars
Whereas other brands have had hundreds of years to build their reputations, Cohiba has had to do a lot of catching up in not a lot of time. And it's thanks to ultra-premium offerings such as the Cohiba Black that they've been able to cement their status as a top brand in their brief history.
This cigar is a must-have that admirably suits special occasions and casual smoke sessions alike. But it's far from the only essential in the Cohiba repertoire. For more excellent smokes, do yourself a favor and check out the full extent that the Cohiba label has to offer.