As a leader in high-quality cigars, it was no surprise when Ashton pipe tobacco began to make a name for itself in the mid-1980s. Today, Ashton has a blend for every smoker, new or veteran, and it's sure to be made of superior tobacco leaves from every corner of the world.
Founded in 1985, this American brand got its start in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As they grew in popularity, the company branched out from just cigars. They have added seven different pipe tobacco blends to their already impressive line-up.
It is always great to be able to find and support an American company, especially one that has gained in both skill and popularity for over thirty years.
You can choose from any of these seven tobaccos and discover which one you like best.
Perhaps you will like the Artisan's Blend, a full-bodied English blend that works great to cap off the day? Much like with cigars, you can enjoy this tobacco while pairing it with a full-bodied drink, like whiskey or cognac.
How about the Consummate Gentleman? Its refreshingly palatable flavors help allow you to truly appreciate it while not being overwhelmed.
Gold Rush offers you a sweet, citrus flavor with traces of lemon and honey. If you enjoy a pure Virginia blend with that citrus flavor, this is the best for you.
Indulge your Guilty Pleasure with this mixture of Cavendish, Virginia, and Carolina Burley. Sweet and savory, you will find that both of your desires are met with this blend.
Maybe Rainy Day is the best for you. A rich and balanced tobacco, Ashton recommends this be your afternoon smoke.
The Smooth Sailing blend provides precisely that. This blend offers a nutty flavor, with hints of maple, coconut, and dark chocolate. Later on, you will pick up on hints of caramel and syrup. This is genuinely a tobacco you can enjoy!
Finally, we reach the end with Winding Road. Virginia and some Black Cavendish, this tobacco is perfect for anyone that wants a mellow tobacco that still has noticeable flavor.
With the variety that Ashton provides for their great pipe tobacco, you can definitely find something you will enjoy!